AGE: Born 3 October 2023
COLOUR: Flaxen Chestnut
ORIGIN: Kosciuszko National Park (mother)
Esther’s mum Delilah is a petite flaxen chestnut mare with a white star who was rescued from Kosciuszko National Park in June 2023, along with Athena, Flash, Brindabella and Callisto. Delilah closely looked after Flash (a colt and Athena’s son) and Callisto (a filly and Brindabella’s daughter), just like a godmother.
Delilah is independent and happily grazes alone, and food has helped her gain confidence around humans (maybe a bit too much confidence!).
On 3 October 2023, when she looked like she was about to burst, Delilah gave birth to Esther. Delilah is a wonderful mother and keeps a watchful eye over Esther, whilst allowing her the freedom to discover her new world. Esther is becoming very assertive and isn’t afraid to wander off to discover something that looks interesting!