AGE: 2 Years
GENDER: Gelding
COLOUR: Bay with white snip and star
ORIGIN: Kosciuszko
We rescued Monty and Max at the beginning of June 2022. They were the last two Brumbies in Blowering Kosciuszko New South Wales. We were told that if they were not collected by 1 p.m. they would be gone... we did not have to ask where!
These two boys came to us caked in mud and were looking very poorly! We knew we had to take care of these 2 boys.
Their names Monty and Max were chosen by followers of Mountain Brumby Sanctuary and we loved them, true warrior names.
Our vet came out to do an assessment on them, Monty was ok to be gelded Max was not, he had quite a few issues happening and needed to be healthier! So due the MBS team giving constant TLC, and let's not forget food, they have both come along really well.
Monty when he arrived was 12 months old and little Max was only 5 to 6 months old, clearly torn from his mother.
During the past 4 1/2 months (where does the time go) Monty and Max have blossomed, still with a lot of mud on them unfortunately (the rain and paddocks have been horrible). Now there is not much difference in their size and their personalities are really blossoming. Monty is now 22 months and Max is 9-10 months old.
They now have a daily routine, which is:
in the morning they come into small yards for breakfast, they have their head collars put on and lead ropes, some handling and brushing, and then they are taken out onto the long driveway for their grassy eats and playtime.
Late afternoon time to go back to the yards for dinner and then out to the paddock for hay, play and sleep.
They are enjoying their routine very much, as are our volunteers.
Monty and Max are quick to learn so now is a great time to find their forever home/s and for them to move forwards.
They are both relaxed and do not get fazed very often with things that are going on. They free roam the long driveway and we swear Monty has an alarm clock on for dinner time!
Ultimately we would love Monty and Max to stay together, they are the best of friends and have been through a lot together in their short lives. But we will rehome them separately to the right homes.